Maison Law Accident & Injury Lawyers of Modesto support victims injured in right-turn bicycle accidents. If you or a loved one are suffering from injuries you received in a right-turn bicycle accident, the experienced accident attorneys of Fremont are here to help you get the maximum amount of compensation for your injuries. Contact Maison Law Accident & Injury Lawyers of Modesto today for a free consultation and case evaluation.
Do I Need a Lawyer for a Modesto Bicycle Right-Turn Accident?
When a motorist makes a right turn in front of a bicyclist, causing them to crash into the vehicle, this is known as a “right hook” maneuver. The maneuvers usually occur at intersections, boxing bicyclists in with no safety outlet if they can’t stop in time. An impact with a vehicle making a right turn often results in severe or permanent injuries, which sometimes can lead to death, depending on the severity of the injuries.
If you are involved in a right-turn bicycle accident in Modesto due to a vehicle making an unsafe right turn, it is advisable to seek the counsel of a bicycle accident attorney. However, it is important to note you most likely won’t need an attorney in a right-turn bicycle accident if:
- The accident is minor with no apparent damage
- Your injuries are minor scrapes or small bruises
If you’ve sustained serious injuries that have caused you to miss work, or prevent you from reasonably completing daily tasks, an attorney can:
- Connect you to trusted doctors for continued treatment
- File a lawsuit to get you compensation for your:
- Medical expenses
- Lost wages
- Pain and suffering
- Assign liability to all parties responsible for your injuries
- Communicate with insurance adjusters on your behalf
- Build your case by gathering concrete evidence to confirm your claim
- Represent you in court if your case goes to trial
Right-of-Way Laws for Bicyclists in Modesto
California Vehicle Code 21200 awards cyclists the same rights and responsibilities as drivers. This entitles bicyclists to the right-of-way just like all the other drivers on the road. However, it is important to remain aware of motorists as not all drivers recognize this law or respect the rights of bikers on the road. Other laws outlining the rights of bicyclists on the road include:
- California Vehicle Code 21209: this law prohibits other drivers from driving in the bike lane except to park in permitted areas, or when leaving or entering the roadway.
- California Vehicle Code 22517: this statute covers dooring. Dooring is when a driver opens their vehicle door into the path of an oncoming rider. Under this law, no driver shall open the door of their vehicle on the side that is available to moving traffic unless it can be done in a reasonably safe manner and without interfering with moving traffic.
- Bicyclists in traffic: cyclists are required to ride as close to the right side of the road as possible except when they’re trying to avoid a hazard, turn left, or when passing. They are also required to signal their movements when turning or preparing to change lanes.
- Riding on sidewalks and crosswalks: California allows cyclists to ride legally in crosswalks. Some cities permit cyclists to ride on sidewalks, but some cities have banned cyclists from using the sidewalks.
Most Common Causes of Bicycle Accidents in California
According to the National Safety Council, fatal bicycle accidents have gone significantly up in the past decade. The most common reasons for bicycle accidents in California include:
- Distracted Driving: even momentary glances can cause devastating accidents. Distracted driving can be proven through camera footage, cell phone records, and collision investigations.
- Speeding: speeding only increases the severity of accidents and is a leading contributor to fatal motorcycle accidents every year in California. A driver’s CPU data can potentially reveal their speed before an accident.
- Moving violation: running red lights, illegal U-turns, or failing to yield can disrupt the flow of traffic, leading to major accidents. These illegal actions can typically be proven by traffic camera footage and eyewitnesses.
- Driving under the influence (DUI): this action is one of the leading causes of fatal accidents in California.
What is the Typical Compensation for Modesto Bicycle Right-Turn Accidents?
There is no set dollar amount for the trauma and pain experienced by bicycle accident victims. However, an experienced accident attorney will help you understand the value of your case by calculating your economic damages (such as lost wages and medical bills) and non-economic damages (emotional harm, depression, and anxiety). These damages combined include:
- Special Damages: medical bills, ongoing treatment, costs that accumulate when you’re unable to work, like rent or mortgage payments
- General Damages: these are non-economic hardships like pain and suffering, anxiety, depression, mental trauma
- Wrongful Death Damages: these damages may be sought by a spouse or close relative for funeral arrangements, burial expenses, and medical treatment before a loved one’s death
- Punitive Damages: these damages are rare, but if the driver engaged in reckless driving with the intention of hurting you, then you could sue for punitive damages
Contact a Bicycle Right-Turn Accident Lawyer in Modesto
If you or a loved one has suffered broken bones in a bicycle accident in Modesto, the bicycle accident attorneys of Modesto can get you the compensation you need to recover from your physical, mental, and financial damages. Our firm has years of experience in liability law and will aggressively pursue a successful outcome for your personal injury claim. Contact Maison Law Accident & Injury Lawyers of Modesto today for a free consultation and case evaluation. There is no charge for our services and you will not be charged a cent until we’ve won your case.